The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 12

The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 12

The world we know is gone. The terrible scale epidemic struck the world, causing death to rise and eat alive. A few months later, the society collapsed. In a world governed by the dead, we have to finally end up living. Based on comic homecommerceRobart Kirkman, this AMC project focuses on the world after the zombie apocalypse. The series follows police officer Rik Grayms, who aroused from a coma to find the world destroyed by zombies. Looking for his family, he andA group of victims tried to fight zombies for survival.

Uzhasenporedit the zombiocalipsisa side effects of The Walking Dead, in the same universe, but to start early in Los Angeles. These performances follow ordinary people who are learning to deal with the rapidly growing collapse of civilization in the early zombie epidemic.

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