Microsoft Office 2016

Microsoft Office 2016

Start information

– Language: English (and US)

– Channel: part

– Version:

– Architecture: x86 / x64

– linguistic tools: English, French, Spanish

– Last updated on June 14, 2016

Critical Updates: KB3115139, KB3114517, KB3114708, KB3114709, KB3115081, KB3115093, KB3115098, KB3115000, KB3115102, KB3115136, KB3115140, KB3115189, KB3115147, KB3115138, KB3115149, KB3115087, KB3115148

The security updates: KB3115144, KB3114862, KB3115041, KB3115182

Set-up standard (with the help of October- Customize OfficeTool)

– Go to EULA

– Shortcuts – Office 2016 default decided to put all shortcuts in the start menu without a subdirectory spread across the menu.

The website customization file installation includes all Office 2016 suite shortcuts in a Microsoft Office 2016 subdirectory, and office tools in a subfolder Tools

– default options-all programs and resources will be installed by default, except for Skype for Business * (Bureau PROPLUS 2016) and Telemetry ** Office(Office 2016 suite / Applications) – can of course change any configuration options you want

* Skype for Business (Because you do not have to install, not accepted to install as an „optional update” from Microsoft Update)

The thing is to install Skype for Business, if your computer has the Skype client installed or not.

If you choose to install Skype for BusinessOffice Setup, a Skype setup wizard runs, asking you to start Skype when WindowsStart, installSkype clickto Call, set Bing as its search and MSN as your homepage, and then ask to log in.

Here is where the confusion begins. What counts is what I use? If you choose Skype name and use your existing (custom / home) option, use your two-user settings to set up your computer – Skype for your account and Skype for Business for your work account. If you choose a Microsoft account, it will create a new Live ID with your email address and work – somethingWhat you probably do not want to do this.

** Office Telemetry (Why may have to share its data)

Telemetry panel displays specific names and titles of documents in each user most recently used list, which may disclose personal or confidential information about User or Organization. The names of the additions other solutions used by the Office also appear.

The agent collects telemetry inventory, usage, and other application data and movesTo a shared folder where it is processed by a service known as the telemetry processors inseridonunha SQL database. The telemetry panel is connected to the database so that it can show Office files, add-ins, and solutions.

Bonus guide

– KMSpico + 5 Beta Microsoft Toolkit (Activator)

– UBitMenu Customizer (Add Office 2003 and Office 2016 beams) – Free for private use

– Previous versions uninstallers (Office 2016, 2013, 365, 2003, 2007, 2010)

-Links / Reset „Create an option in Office programs (Reg file)

– Links / Repair 2016 Office Telemetry (TM)


– x86:

– x64:

Backward compatibility

Microsoft removes the ability of parallel versions of the Office 2016 release.

Install installer and remove any previous version and do not allow the operation of older components. An older version of Outlook 2013/2010 with publishing house 2016.

In other words, forget to mix versions of Office.

You can use Microsoft toolsFixit remove / delete / remove previous versions of Office (included in the Bonus Guide).

Debeeliminardat all traces of Office of the system.

Update Microsfot Office 2016 Part Edition

Unlike Click2Run edits, edit volume does not provide the update to offer the request by the account page (- Accounts – Updates file).

For updates for the Office 2016 VL version, you must enable „Get updates for other Microsoft products Update” in WindowsUpdate.

System requirements

– 64-bit version only runs on 64-bit systems

– OS: Windows 10 Windows 10 SP1 + Server, Server 2012 R2 / 2012/2008 R2

Net version: NET required. A few features or maybe the NET CLR required are installed


– Delete any previously installed version using the uninstaller provided (additional folder) and restart if necessary

– ISO file / fire / retracted Monte

– Installing Office

– Active use of KMSpico / Microsoft ToolkitBETA 5 already finished installing all products

– Left / Reset 2016 Office Telemetry – Merge Right File ‘Disable / Repair 2016 OfficeTelemetry’ (Enable after restarting the machine)

-Disable / Reset „Create an option in Office programs – merge right file” Disable / Reset Report „(effective after restarting the machine)

– UBitMenu Customizer installation (optional)

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