Software Baidu Antivirus is the parent company of Beijings security. The beta release is free full English and provides excellent protection for your computer. You can even send feedback to Baidu and help change the characteristics of the final version. Even inBeta version, Baidu Antivirus has all the necessary prevention and virus detection.
BaiduAntivirus includes a full scan to scan the entire computer, a quick scan for the highest-level problems, custom scans to seek out specific problems. you alsoYou can select real-time protection with additional features, such as file system protection, proactive protection, protection from access to websites and self-defense. Unfortunately, most of the more complex features of these programs, but several mobile briefly explain,what are they doing.
Baidu Antivirus also includes a window in which you can leave feedback or suggestions on the error reporting of Baidu. You can easily attach images or files to help explain eichMaterion. You can put your contact information, such as e-mail,Online, MSN, and even Facebook.
Baidu Antivirus has great icons, which makes it very easy to understand their function. KiedyOtwierasz first application, presented buttons to select full, fast or custom scanning. The charter right arrow tab will show protectionin real time. Here you can make a large Slide switch to enable or disable options.
You can continue deploying Baidu Antivirus Menucha to a specific goal. Here you can configure the holes and automatic scanning, choose what happens with the quarantinePrograms and exactly how it will look each view. There are also przyciskiszybko access to Baidus sites and community forums.
Baidu Antivirus looks like a clean white and blue color scheme simple. All of its functions are intuitively equipped and do not collide with smoke or slow down. LlawnYn scanningCan take a long time, but the scanning process has an obvious effect on the performance of the computer. One thing to keep in mind is that the beta-istniejeprzez Baidu Antivirus paper or notification sound when the work is completed.
Baidu Antivirus is an effective tool forProtect your computer. Beta’n worked great, without hitting the obvious. If you have any problems, Baidu will be glad to hear the feedback from the okrak. This may be ymhellachGwell Baidu Antivirus.
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