Audacity 2.1

Audacity 2.1

Audacity allows you to edit all common formats ofaudio file.

Importssounds Freeware and music, the soundeffects put on single tracks and mix of things, such as music tracks together andpodcasts.

Professional work

Audacity is equipped with professional editing and recording functions. It is possible to make a second record născut song to live together. Reserved undangasone result of many audio formats are supported. In addition, AudacityA toolboxAudio and effects are countless, equalizer and frequency analysis on the board. If necessary, you can also download bold and free plug-in from the manufacturer’s website.

Settings on the cell

Users customize all settings on the user interface are bold. The cut, copy and paste will allow totinker withyourdiri their own tracks. You can also connect a microphone courage to add your own soundtrack.

Audacityinawakilisha conditionsHorizontal WorksMusic in the Timeline. In emergency situations, all can be reversed by an important thing!

Audacity doesn’treach a certain amount of payment for professional design program. The interface looks somehow volume, and sometimes even kurangbasi. In our tests the app also crashed several times.

Conclusion: Excellent free audio editor

Audacity allows you to mix your own songs Nahata not small. And a flexible range of tools and effects can beYou getdecent the sound quality in a smaller production. Remember, that’s training time and patience to get the best out of the container.

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