Blacklist released Tom Clancy’s Black Edition Deluxe Edition (c) Ubisoft
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Digital Special Edition
A group of terrorists who call themselves a pretty US engineer
Military profession all over the world and start terror ultimatum
Called Deadly Black ListCountdownThe escalation of attacks on the United States
Interest. When our country is in danger, the president returns to onerights
Only one person: Sam Fisher. Armed with technology wNajnowocześniejszą
First-class devices, deadly combat skills and an elite team
Not Experts Sam Fisherman nothing to do with anything
ThisImplies the necessity
Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Blacklist Deluxe Edition comes with everyone
Required weapons, gadgets, and equipment that will turn Sam Fisher and stop
Black list escalation of threats. With two additional missions and five bonuses
As a whole, improved armor armor, you are ready to stop the attacks
INIt has content
– A multiplayer mission graczOraz featuring teams: Dead and Coast
Billionaires yacht
– bonuses, weapons and equipment five powerful weapons for each style of game:
VSS Sniper, M1014, 416 Rifle, Gun, and F40
Tactical crossbones with spark gas.
– five Elite Digital setsImproved military camouflage suit
Costumes and Dresses Spiesów vs Mercs Upper Echelon Suit
4E Eclipse Ops suit for a storyline.
– Five armored accessories: sunglassesGold Guitar Sonar Goggles Amber Storm,
Ghostly boots, military boots and tactical gloves
The US has a military presence in twoThird party
In the world, and some of them are pretty. A group of terrorists call
Engineers initiate an ultimatum called a terrorist blacklist
Deadly countdown escalation of attacks on benefits
Main characteristics
-pratsyuvaty without restrictions
Sam returns to the tacticalHis costume and glasses, and he and death
Motorbike than ever. Get the freedom to do what you need to stop
Blacklist, Sam flew from exotic destination destinations while he races
Round the clock to find out who is behind this devastating threat.
– Own style game
Splinter Cell Blacklist is basedOf the hidden crown franchise
Study new directions, take into account and sferudiyi
Adventure. Players can define their own style and be rewarded
For these elections
– The player with the spirit wants to stay unnoticed
– Players attack instincts and rely on the frontShocks to cope
– PantherGracze is looking for mortality in the most effective and quiet way.
– Tools of trade
Kill an engineer using New Devices, such as an improved snake
Cam and Micro-triter Drone. Splinter Cell Blacklist also bears
In the back fan favorite, Sticky Shocker, like cruel andCurved ceramics
Knife. Stealth fans will appreciate Samsów
Ability to transfer hijacking and enemies, allowing In Motion to be killed
The task is found with surgical precision by marking and wykonaniewielokrotność
The enemies of a smooth movement.
– Build a new level
Sam buildsAll your team echelon their way. Anna Grim
Hrimsdottir’s technical operations director of CIA Isaac
Briggs brings additional fire-power power stations as well as hackers Charlie Cole
Runduje crew. 4. Echelon is a fully operational mobile device with unlimited
Resources and advanced technologiesOn board again
Plane, Paladin.
– a fully integrated experience
Spies Vs. Mercenaries return
Spies Vs. MercsWraca New Approach Symmetric Game. Players
They will be able to withstand the 4 teams, which makes them a lot
Spy or Merc in accordance with your own style of play, carefullyCorrection
Elementy.Oryhinalnyy Classic Survival Spies Vs. Mercenaries is also doing it
Long-awaited Return fans
– AP
The SMI lines are blurred between one campaign and COOP
As the story deepens with Sam and Briggs. Earn a game currency
And unlock additional weapons or device throughThe mission wyspecjalizowanychWyznaczone
Grim, Briggs, Charlie, I Kobin
1. Unrar
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4. Mount / Crack the disc on the disk
5. Kopiyavmist disk cracks CD / DVD
Catalog installsrcSYSTEM game
6. Play the game. We do not recommend using the Internet, as always,
7. Developer support.If you like this game, buy it
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