Flatliners 2017

Flatliners 2017

Five medical students, who are obsessed with extravagant life begin a bold experiment: to stop their hearts for a short period of time, each as a result of a near-death experience – give a first look at the afterlife.

FlatlinersAn continue film of the same film in 1990,the band began to experiment with the experience of medical students „dying” to see what is beyond the life after death. The group then see the physical prayavadyatsinstva sin and tragedies of the past, which was to risk their lives, and they do not know that they are faced with jikadengan,real or a hallucination.

Language: English

Subtitles: Na

Classification: NA

General Release Date: October 19, 2017

Genre: Drama / Horror / Fantasy

Work experience: not available

Distributor: Sony Pictures Entertainment

Starring: Ellen Peydzh, Diego Luna, Nina Dobrev, Dzheyms Norton, Clemons KEPCO

director:Niels Arden Op

Format: 2D

The Flatliners, five lyudeystudent medical, hoping to get a glimpse of the mystery that lies beyond life, began a bold and dangerous experiment. Cardiac arrest them for short periods of time, each menyebabkanpengalaman mortal practical. If the studyis becoming more and more dangerous, they had to keep their past sins, but also to deal with the effects of mental penetration on the other side.

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